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CaSE responds to the appointment of new UKRI Chief Executive

02 Feb 2017

The Science Minister has announced the appointment of Sir Mark Walport as Chief Executive Designate of UK Research and Innovation (UKRI).

Sir Mark is currently serving as the Government Chief Scientific Adviser.

Subject to the passage of the Higher Education and Research Bill, UKRI will provide the new strategic innovation and research funding body, and will play a crucial role in the future of UK science, including the implementing of the government’s new Industrial Strategy.

In the Autumn, CaSE held a roundtable meeting with the Chair of UKRI Sir John Kingman and CaSE members, to discuss the leadership and governance of UKRI. 

Commenting on the appointment CaSE Deputy Director Naomi Weir said:

“With great power comes great responsibility. Since the conception of UKRI the science community have been very mindful that the Chief Executive will have a pivotal role in setting the tone for UKRI. As well as strong leadership and acute political nous, a firm commitment to listening to the science and innovation community, working collaboratively and nurturing the autonomy of UKRI’s constituent Councils will be essential. It is a crucial role for UK research and innovation and we wish Sir Mark well.”

The Government Chief Scientific Adviser role will also be important for the UK’s scientific success alongside UKRI. We encourage of broad spread of people to consider applying when the position is advertised.