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CaSE statement on Covid-19

23 Mar 2020

As the UK and international response to the Covid-19 pandemic unfolds, CaSE will continue to fulfil its mission and purpose.

We have been pleased to see the Government using the advice of scientific experts throughout this pandemic. CaSE has consistently called for an evidence-informed approach to UK policy-making so that expertise, evidence and knowledge can be used towards making policies smarter and lives better. As the unfolding events of the Covid-19 pandemic so vividly illustrate, bringing the relevant evidence, and skills to bear on decisions at every level serves the national public good.

In response to Government guidance, CaSE is working fully remotely and pursuing our important work, engaging with members, politicians, the media and the wider science and engineering sector.

We were really pleased to see the Government supercharge public investment in science, delivering investment faster and further than it had promised in the recent budget. We have been invited to input to HM Treasury as they draw up plans for how this money will be invested and prepare for the Spending Review. We will also be using our ‘Place’ work to inform their plans, and our thanks to our organisational members who have fed into this work.

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