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CaSE submission to the Migration Advisory Committee review of Tier 2

24 Sep 2015

Read CaSE’s submission to the Migration Advisory Committee review of Tier 2 immigration.

CaSE welcomes the opportunity to feed into this inquiry to reflect the views of the science and engineering community covering academia and industry. Our community relies on immigration to stay at the cutting edge of global research and innovation. In June 2015, CaSE embarked on a major project to assess the impact of immigration and the Government’s immigration policies on UK science and engineering. The project involved a comprehensive review of the published literature, one-to-one interviews with science and engineering organisations from the public, private, and charity sectors, a call for evidence which attracted over 100 responses from organisations and individuals, and two stakeholder opinion forums. This submission represents an interim report of the project’s findings, conclusions, and recommendations. A final report will be published by the end of the year. 

Download the full submission
