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People & Skills

The science base is as strong as the people in it

Attracting and developing diverse R&D talent and skills is essential if the UK is to become a more research-intensive economy. It is also important to create a more open, diverse and inclusive research workforce. We work with our members and the R&D community to develop policy recommendations that will help ensure the UK has a diverse and talented skills base to meet the requirements of an R&D-intensive economy. This includes work on primary education, further and higher education, diversity and immigration.


Skills for a more research intensive UK

In 2022 and 2023 CaSE took a holistic look at skills policy across government, from science teaching in schools and STEM careers advice, through to higher and further education, apprenticeships, lifelong learning, and immigration.

Drawing on insight from our members and the sector, we established an evidence base from which to make our recommendations.