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Delivering Diversity Report

01 May 2008

CaSE report exploring what steps could be taken to deliver diversity in STEM. The report looks at representation in STEM by gender, ethnicity, disability and social disadvantage and makes recommendations for action.

This report stems from a CaSE Opinion Forum meeting on under-represented groups in science and engineering held in October 2007. CaSE further developed ideas with a range of individuals from companies, universities, government departments, learned societies and others.

This policy document may reflect a general consensus, but the specific views are the responsibility of CaSE. The under-represented groups considered here are disabled people, those from socially-disadvantaged backgrounds, women and ethnic minorities. While some policy suggestions target certain groups, many will benefit all, including groups not directly considered here. The focus is on issues that are particularly problematic in science, technology, engineering & mathematics (STEM), rather than across all disciplines.

Delivering Diversity Report
