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CaSE responds to the Migration Advisory Committee consultation

05 Dec 2017

Read CaSE’s response to the Migration Advisory Committee consultation inquiry into EEA-workers in the UK labour market.

We were pleased that the Prime Minister confirmed her government’s commitment “to ensuring a positive outcome for UK science as we exit the European Union.” Companies, universities, charities and research institutes alike see the ability to retain, access, move and attract skilled people as essential if this aim is to be achieved. To achieve this, negotiations and domestic policy must work together to create a migration system and environment that actively supports science, research and innovation.

The EU referendum debate provided an opportunity to see the extent to which conflicting ‘facts’ about immigration were firmly held to be true. The Government could support consensus building by promoting the good use of evidence. We were therefore very pleased that the Government commissioned the MAC to undertake this work and have consulted widely with our members to shape this submission.

Download the full response
