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Science and Engineering in the Wales 2016 Election

27 Apr 2016

A review of science and engineering in the Wales 2016 Election

Science and engineering are crucial to Wales’ future. It makes sense to build on the
nation’s capability in science and engineering to deliver a competitive edge in the global economy.

Ahead of the election, CaSE wrote to all party leaders asking them to set out their policies that relate
to science and engineering. Their responses are published on our website. Here we look at them
along with the parties’ manifestos drawing out their commitments and statements that relate to
science and engineering.

Our policy analysis is divided into three categories:

  1. Investment in science and engineering research
  2. Education and skills for science and engineering
  3. Use of science and engineering in government

CaSE prepared a short supplementary note to accompany the letter to leaders with some more detailed questions linked to the particular challenges and opportunities facing science and engineering in Wales. You can download that note here.

Science and Engineering in the Wales 2016 Election

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