Today the Prime Minister will make a speech at the CBI conference setting out a new substantial investment in R&D worth £2bn per year by 2020 as part of a ‘modern, ambitious industrial strategy’.
CaSE responds to the Prime Minister’s announcement of new investment for UK R&D
21 Nov 2016
Since the EU referendum, CaSE has been calling for the Government to set out its vision for the future of the UK and whether it sees our strength in science and innovation at its heart.
Update: You can read CaSE’s response to the 2016 Autumn Statement here.
CaSE Director, Dr Sarah Main, said:
“I’m impressed. The Prime Minister’s commitment to make our strength in science and innovation the cornerstone of the UK’s future couldn’t be clearer. This commitment sends a strong signal of intent to the watching world, injecting much needed confidence and optimism. A science and innovation based industrial strategy with the backing of the Prime Minister will help enable the UK to take the lead in developing a strong economy, high value jobs and happier, healthier lives.
“What is exciting is that there is a real coalition of support building across industry, Government and charity partners to transform the UK’s R&D investment and output together. Where previous industrial strategies have floundered by failing to fully engage industry or provide necessary resource, it seems that this time industry and Government are ready to work hand-in-hand. Here is an industrial strategy backed by industry and backed by Government with a strategic fund to deliver its aims. In that spirit, it is essential that this investment is not just welcomed but well used.
There are great opportunities to make sure the Prime Minister’s ambition to make science and innovation deliver for everyone is realised. We look forward to working with Government to ensure that the principles on which our historic strength in science and innovation are built are used to underpin a thriving future.”
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