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Global-Facing R&D

How can we tell compelling stories about UK-based R&D that tackles global problems?

The UK has a long history as a source of innovative ideas for tackling global societal challenges. This project, funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, focused specifically the global impact of UK-based R&D and how best to convey its value to UK public audiences.

This project builds on CaSE’s public opinion programme, which is supporting a behaviour change in how our sector advocates for R&D with the aim of making R&D matter to more people.

This project has brought together expert stakeholders to identify gaps in our understanding of public attitudes to global-facing R&D and collaboratively develop public messaging strategies.

Partner organisations

CaSE is grateful for the contributions of the following organisations:

  • Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
  • British Science Association
  • GSK
  • Luna 9
  • Malaria No More
  • Met Office
  • The Open University
  • The Physiological Society
  • The University of Leeds
  • Wellcome

Our approach

Establishing a vision and exploring evidence

Partners discussed their vision for the public’s relationship with global-facing R&D and identified gaps in understanding of public attitudes

Understanding public attitudes

Research agency Public First carried out a nationally-representative poll of 4,000 UK adults and four focus groups across the UK

Identifying effective messaging

Partners reflected on the research results, discussing implications for engagement and how the insights could shape messaging strategies

Developing an engagement guide

CaSE, working with creative agency Luna 9, developed a Guide for Engaging the Public with Global-Facing R&D, including illustrative campaign assets

Putting insights into practice

CaSE is looking for further opportunities to build on this work with others who want to collaborate to put the insights into action

Guide for Engaging the Public with Global-Facing R&D

Using the insights from our public opinion research, CaSE – working with creative agency Luna 9 – has developed an advocacy guide for global-facing R&D. This offers practical advice for organisations across the R&D and development sectors, to help advocates identify and adopt effective messaging, and includes example campaign assets. We recommend that advocates consider:

  • Building on CaSE’s four fundamentals for public messaging by demonstrating that global-facing R&D is solving real problems, helping the next generation, relevant to real life and benefitting local areas
  • Emphasising partnerships, pride and pay-offs in messaging – these resonate with the public and are reasons they support global-facing R&D
  • Recognising and directly engaging with the common messaging challenges of timelags, cost and competing priorities

What to emphasise in messaging about global-facing R&D


Advocates should emphasise that global-facing R&D happens in partnership and seek to demonstrate this R&D will also bring benefits at home.


Advocates should use language that connects with the public’s sense of pride in R&D


Advocates should highlight the benefits that global-facing R&D will bring to the UK

What the research found

Our research found:

  • Investing in R&D is seen as the most effective way to address global issues
  • The public want counties to collaborate to solve problems
  • The public view R&D as a global endeavour and believe the UK investing in research will help solve global problems
  • Many are willing to accept long timeframes and most think UK-based R&D will have a positive impact on global issues within 10 years
  • Many prioritise AI R&D and expect it to have most impact, most quickly
  • The public think R&D on global issues will create UK jobs and improve international relationships, and support the UK hosting infrastructure

Find out more

The full results can be found here

Read the full results

Case studies

Contact us

CaSE is looking for opportunities to build on the insights delivered in this project, and to implement the ideas set out in our Guide for Engaging the Public on Global-Facing R&D.


We would love to hear from anyone who would like to collaborate on this.


Please contact Ben Bleasdale on